Prince torna con la Warner e lancia “The Breakdown”



Prince resetta le controversie che lo avevano clamorosamente allontanato dalla major discografica Warner Bros siglando un nuovo contratto che determinerà la produzione del suo prossimo album. In occasione del trentesimo anniversario di “Purple Rain”, l’artista realizzerà anche un’edizione deluxe (rimasterizzata in digitale) del fortunato album. Le sorprese, però, non finiscono qui: a poche ore dall’annuncio del nuovo contratto, Mr Rogers Nelson ha presentato anche un brano inedito, intitolato “The Breakdown”. La funk ballad dura 4 minuti e narra di una personalità in lotta con se stessa e con i propri sentimenti, “una delle storie più tristi che abbiate mai sentito” a detta dello stesso Prince che, ovviamente, non ha tralasciato l’inimitabile falsetto, proprio della sua particolarissima vocalità.

Ecco il testo del brano disponibile su Itunes:

“Listen to me closely as the story unfolds

This could be the saddest story ever been told

I used to want the house with the biggest pool

Reminiscing now, I just feel like a fool

U keep breakin me down, down, down

Keep breakin me down down down

Keep breakin me down down down

I used to throw the party every New Year’s Eve

First one intoxicated, last one to leave

Waking up in places that u would never believe

Give me back the time, u can keep the memories

U keep breakin me down, down, down

Keep breakin me down down down

Keep breakin me down down down

Every book I read

Said that I would meet somebody like you

Whenever I was sorry, so sorry for the things I used to do

A journal full of numbers that I used to go through

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, all behind me now, all because of You

You keep breaking me down…. I don’t wanna…. don’t wanna go down down down…..

You’ve seen every door, every door you can walk through, (in Montreux, “there’s a door you can walk through”)

Where there used to be a wall

I don’t care, come on baby,

As long as You catch me

forever and ever and then some more (in Montreux he said “if there’s a fall”/other times it’s “when I fall”)

The closer we get,

the closer U get,

the closer I get.

I don’t wanna, don’t wanna…..

To the break down”.